Hey There, Princess

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I was in a used book store the other day.  It happened to be a busy place at that particular time of day and the proprietor had several stacks of books that various people had asked him to look through, as possible exchanges for sale in the store.  When he finished each pile, his regimen was to call out that person’s name so they could come up to the front and find out which of their publications he was accepting for purchase.  I was taking my time, browsing around in the back of the store, when I heard him say loudly, “Princess!”  And then after a pause, more loudly, “Oh, Princess!”  I immediately went up to the front of the store — as did several other women.  We were all curious as to who had given that as her name.  It turns out that no one had, he explained with a laugh. He was merely experimenting, to see who would answer when he called that out.  What a wonderful store owner.  Made me want to shop there every chance I get.

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