Star Light


When I was five years old, my best friend in the small town where we lived convinced me that if I saw the street lights come on in the evening, I could make a wish and the wish would come true.  She was a year older than I was and seemed quite sure of herself so for a few days in the late afternoon I sat staring at the street lights, watching and waiting.  Then I remembered that I had never once heard Jiminy Cricket sing, “When you wish upon a street light” so I gave up on those and switched to actual star gazing, which was a heck of a lot more interesting.  Tonight I sat outside and looked up at the sky just as it was darkening and the stars were about to come out.  The first one I saw, as always this time of year, was the bright star Vega, not as high in the sky as it will be in about a month but still very visible and beautiful in its blueish cloak.  I looked up at it and remembered the childhood poem that begins, “Star light, star bright”.  I wished for senseless killing and violence to stop.  I wished for an end to the hatred and fear that is gripping this country and others around the world.  I wished for an acceptance of people of all races, colors, religions and differences of opinion.  I wished for an overwhelming wave of kindness and understanding to wash over the earth.  Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.

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2 Responses

  1. Karl says:

    Amen, Mary. Great post.

  2. Bill Egger says:

    A sad week. Wishing the same, under street or star light. 🙂 Nice post.

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