Trying to Explain

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Having an inquisitive child is a challenge, even more so when the goal as a parent is providing information with honesty and truth and as little judgment as possible.  There are so many questions a little kid can have, so many misunderstandings that can arise, so much that can influence his or her thinking.  I eavesdropped the other day as a mother attempted to explain to her young daughter why the confederate flag might not be appreciated these days.  “There was a time,” she said, “when people thought it was okay to be mean to people with different colored skin.  Our family doesn’t believe that and a lot of other people don’t either.  To a lot of people, that flag represents that old way of thinking and they would like it not to be displayed any more.”  I was impressed with her handling of a sensitive subject.  It’s a huge responsibility, raising someone to be an informed and caring citizen of community, country and the world.

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