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I love birthdays, both my own and other people’s.  I think they’re wonderful. Even though I know people who have the same birthday as I do, it’s still my special day.  If I should...

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I grew up in Wisconsin, the designated Dairy State, and back in the 1950’s margarine was illegal there. Why it became important to my family that we have margarine, I can’t remember – probably because...

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Being Visual

My husband does not do visual.  His words.  He would not be a good witness at a crime scene, he couldn’t tell you if the perpetrator was young or old or tall or thin,...

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Sometimes in the middle of the night or early in the morning when I’m lying in bed, I experiment with song and book titles. Many of what I consider to be my best ideas...

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Heart Failure

A man who’s been a friend of mine since childhood had a massive heart attack a few weeks ago.  He’s going to be okay, he’s recovering nicely.  When it was happening, his wife frantically...

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I used to think that having a stalker might be fun — and then I had one for three days and discovered it was only annoying.  It started with a text message on my...

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Fish Therapy

I was at the pet store stocking up on dog and cat food yesterday and the young man in front of me at the checkout was purchasing a beautiful exotic fish.  It was in...

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Sharing the Same Space

I heard an NPR online story about the increase of underwater noise and its effect on sea animals.  The reporter submerged a microphone deep in the water off Point Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost point...

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Potato Chips

I met a relative for lunch a couple of years ago and the restaurant menu stated that his sandwich would come with potato chips.  He doesn’t like potato chips, he didn’t want them.  “No...

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Memorial Day

When I was growing up, Memorial Day was a big deal in my northern Wisconsin small town.  There was a parade with the local high school band playing a variety of patriotic marches and...

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