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Lunch at Flo’s

While living in Texas in the 1980’s, we happened upon a local restaurant called Tom and Joe’s. It was typical diner fare:  burgers and fries, chef salads, malts, milkshakes and more.  It was fun...

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Hot Water

I spend a lot of time in hot water.  Literally. I lie in the bathtub every morning and in the hot tub each night.  The thing that’s important is that I lie or float...

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The House by the Side of the Road

Our house is close to a highway.  This kind of just happened.  We moved here and needed a place to live.  The people who owned the house had moved to Alaska and desperately needed...

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I love Facebook.  I know a lot of people who think it dangerous, too time consuming, prohibitive of real relationships, addictive and more.  It may be all those things. Yet I adore Facebook.  Because...

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When I was eleven, a chicken farmer in our small town claimed he’d been visited by extraterrestrials. Through pantomime they asked for water and in return gifted him with three burned pancakes, one of...

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Touching Time

I went to a quilt show yesterday. It was an absolutely beautiful display of quilts in all colors and sizes — some completed with great expertise, some by slightly less accomplished quilters. Several were...

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Bomb Shelter

During the Cold War in the 1960’s, it was trendy to have a bomb shelter.  Or at least so we were led to believe by the family who built one in the small town...

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Right Brain, Left Brain

I spent last weekend in a bodywork class.  It was an incredibly fun class, full of good information delivered by the most entertaining instructor I’ve encountered in maybe my whole life.  There were about...

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Baker’s Time

I grew up in a town of a only a thousand people. One main street, two blocks long, the usual shops — and being a resort area, an assortment of stores that we called...

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We have an electric toothbrush with an expectation of two minutes of brushing time.  When we use it we say we are “going under the brush”.  I think the two minutes are probably typical...

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