Category: Uncategorized

Memorial Day Memory

We could hear the band coming down the street from the high school two blocks away. When it passed our house we knew it was time to leave. My mother and I walked north...

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A friend of mine told me when she was growing up, she always knew what day of the week it was because of what her mother fixed for breakfast. Different days of the week...

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Robbie the Robot…………Not

I know two people who got in online arguments with a bot. The funny thing is, both of them knew their communication was with a bot but it didn’t stop them from trying to...

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Mother’s Day

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day and yesterday would have been my mother’s birthday so she’s been on my mind. She died in 1987 and I still miss her. I had a different mother than...

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Matchmaker, Matchmaker………..

I was scrolling through Netflix and found myself pulled into a series called “Indian Matchmaker”. I was fascinated by the continuing practice of arranged marriage. The people on the show weren’t rural folk or...

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Lost in Translation

I was out walking the other day when a woman stopped me in the parking lot of a Presbyterian church just up the road. She spoke no English and I couldn’t understand her language...

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Story Telling

I knew a man who fought in World War II. He came home with PTSD. At that time the word was shellshocked. He was dramatically changed by his war experiences. He’d been a quiet...

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A Glowing Review Resized and Revisited

    Well duh. I didn’t resize the photo before MailChimp sent this and if you tried and read it in email instead of clicking on the link and going to the website, it...

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A Glowing Review

      Did the solar eclipse this past week live up to the hype? Yes, yes,YES! And more. I’ve seen partial eclipses, and our family went to the last total eclipse visible in...

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Power to the People

We had a huge windstorm a week ago. As soon as the power went out I started a transition to freakout mode. My no-electricity panic stems from an ice storm twenty-five years ago. It...

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