The Day the Music (Video) Died
The other day I watched an online video of some musicians performing Bach’s “Ode to Joy” on a busy street in some large city. i imagine it was orchestrated (pun intended) because it was just too planned to have been random. It started with a lone man playing cello. Then out of a nearby building came someone with a viola and that person joined the cellist. Then more people with instruments came on the scene until there was a full orchestration of that beautiful piece. I watched the onlookers and took note (pun also intended) of the people filming everything with their phone cameras. I made a resolution at that point, to internalize my own experiences and enjoy them while they are happening. Not to record them to watch later. I proudly thought of it as “the day I stopped recording videos”. Remembering things in my mind and in my heart. I started to feel a little superior in a sort of way. Then I thought……………if someone hadn’t taken that video and posted it on social media in the first place, I never would have seen it. Never would have heard that beautiful rendition of “Ode to Joy”.Darn it. Nothing worse than dealing with a two edged sword.
Photo courtesy Russell_Yan at