“An expert is just someone from the next village.” That’s what a friend of mine says. Maybe — but I need one. I was never meant for tech work, all I wanted to do was write stuff down and help free up my busy-bee brain. I watched a free two and a half hour video on YouTube and learned how to set up a website from scratch — I feel pretty proud of that. I can use the terms widget and plugin with the best of them — but I can’t seem to fix the the snafus that have surfaced since the latest WordPress update. My ‘subscribe’ plugin hasn’t worked for nearly six weeks — though the developer has assured those of us affected, that he is working on the problem — and the ‘contact’ button only works on the right side of the page, not the top. Word Press doesn’t have phone support, only online forums — and though I regularly look at them, the people on those sites talk a tech language far beyond my capability. Hoping someone from the next village shows up soon.