I love birthdays, both my own and other people’s. I think they’re wonderful. Even though I know people who have the same birthday as I do, it’s still my special day. If I should choose to spend it alone or not acknowledge it, I can even do that. As far as I’m concerned, a birthday doesn’t involve expensive gifts — or any gifts at all, for that matter. It means being wished happy birthday a couple of times throughout the day and being looked at extra lovingly. Mostly it’s about hearing the words of Mr Rogers and remembering that indeed I am special. My husband knows my feelings about this — and even if he is someday afflicted with dementia and cannot remember his address, his mother’s maiden name……….heck, his OWN name………he will remember my birthday. There was an old radio show called Queen for a Day. My wish is that everyone gets to feel like Queen for a Day, once a year.