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Sometimes I feel an intense connection and find myself strongly drawn to a person for no apparent reason.  There is a woman several years older than I am for whom I feel great warmth...

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A friend who is going through a difficult time and whose way will probably not be easier for a while, expressed her difficulty with her situation by saying she is by nature a sprinter,...

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Mother’s Day, and what would have been my mother’s birthday a few days ago, have made me more mindful than usual of her lately.  I remember asking my mother, when I was fourteen and...

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Old Women

May 14th was my mother’s birthday. Were she still living, she would be 105 years old.  That sounds ancient to me, yet my husband’s mother recently turned 100 and remains strong physically.  My growing-up...

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Pet Cemetery

There’s a pet cemetery a few miles up the road from our house.  It’s not of the Stephen King variety and nothing is scary or supernatural about the place — it’s a lovely peaceful...

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All That Jazz

The other night I went to hear a jazz group.  A Seattle based community jazz band called the Mood Swings teamed up with a group of sixth graders over there.  They had practiced separately...

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Bike Ride

Just one short bike ride and I saw five beautiful things: – Quail parents, herding a huge bunch — it might be called a covey — of puffball babies into a wheat field. –...

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Anything Can Be a Hat

When our oldest grandson was about a year and a half old, he liked hats and wanted to wear one a bunch of the time.  I think I remember that he even liked the...

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World Champion

At a folk festival once I saw a twelve year old kid who was a genius on the accordion. He could play anything, fingers flying — classical, jazz, rock or ethnic tunes, though he...

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Sunday Night Supper

When I was growing up, Sundays meant church in the morning and a big midday meal followed by a lazy afternoon when the grownups read the newspaper or napped, the kids played.  Sunday nights...

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