One of my friends who was born and raised in another country takes walks with me now and then. He is a voracious reader of books and even more so, of newspapers. I asked him which part of the paper is his favorite. I was surprised when he answered, “the obituaries”. He likes to read the things people say about friends and relatives even when, and maybe especially when, he doesn’t know them. Most of the time I skim through that part of the paper and don’t read details. “You can find out so many wonderful things,” he told me. So today I looked at that section of the paper and here’s some of what I saw:
“We will always love you as deep as the ocean, as wide as the sky.”
“Spirited, quick witted and smart.”
“A very present father. Lived a very full life.”
“Climbed Mountt Rainier and swam across Lake Washington.”
“He loved each of his dogs, rescues, as family and believed they had chosen him. They had rescued him.”
“Empathy, servitude and service to others.”
One of my sisters wrote her own obituary.She said no one knew her as well as she knew herself. I was at her memorial service and can personally attest that she did a commendable job. Several years ago a friend of ours had a wake for himself. We toasted him at his home and then marched in a parade, Dixieland jazz band and all, to the cemetery where his body would someday lie. He said he wanted to celebrate his life with the people he loved. It was fun. I hope I can remember to say positive things while the people are still here.
Picture courtesy Mohamed_hassan at Pixabay.com
You have inspired me. …
I called a friend who has missed bingo for a month so she would know we miss her. We had a delightful conversation.
Next I’m going to write to someone I don’t know well & tell her some ways she has brightened my day. She is post-surgery and her absence has left a void.
Looking forward to more of your posts,