I don’t know what happened to the “homeless not hopeless” man I wrote about recently. I haven’t seen him since that day. I know he told me he was eating what he could get...
My little dog is sick. Stops eating and hides under the bed. For two days this goes on and I take her to our veterinarian. He gives her a shot to improve her appetite...
When I was walking the other day, I saw a person lying comfortably on a grassy expanse of lawn up the hill. He was near a stand of Douglas Firs and would have been...
Deep inside Squaxin Park, in the state capitol of Olympia here in Washington State, there’s an old wall phone installed on a large tree. People use the phone to call people who have died....
My husband’s mother was a widow for a long time and eventually ended up with a boyfriend, kind of a silly word for someone in their eighties, but I’m not sure what other one...
A few days ago I had the preliminary work done for a tooth implant, something I’ve put off for a long time. The periodontist was very young and either had been trained in advantageous...
To freak out a fiscally conservative friend of ours, my husband once said, “I never met a tax I didn’t like” and watched as the man visibly recoiled in horror. The guy never forgot...
George Maharis died a few weeks ago and it felt life-sobering, as my sister Judy liked to say about events that hit hard. I had a huge crush on George when I was around...
A couple of weeks ago I fell in love with a porch swing at Costco. My husband reminded me we had one thirty or so years ago but I have no idea what happened...
On the way home from our camping trip two days ago, I got fixated on finding a Taco Truck in one of the towns we passed. Taco trucks are not all equal but I’ve...