Facebook Envy
When I see impressive Facebook postings and pictures of things that people are doing, I want to click the “like” button, I really do — and once in a while it’s difficult. I want to be supportive of everyone’s exciting and exotic vacation, every new and flashy relationship or every impressive purchase — and it can leave me feeling a little mean spirited when I don’t. I know that people mostly show their best selves online. They don’t normally post unflattering pictures — ones where they might be in the midst of an argument with their partner or a photo of the dingy hotel where they happen to be staying because they couldn’t afford the fancy one down the street. But if I’m experiencing troubling times or having financial issues, if my kids are emotionally struggling or aren’t prosperous like the children about whom my friends are boasting, when people that I love are dying — it can feel challenging. I’m working on cultivating genuine happiness for everyone, no matter what, with absolutely no strings attached. That’s my goal.