Color Blind

I hadn’t thought about it until the other day when one of my Facebook friends mentioned that gray seems to be the color of choice for home decor these days — if indeed, you consider gray much of a color at all. That person loves bright colors and lamented the trend to paint almost everything in various shades of gray. When our kids were young, I went nuts painting all the rooms in our house psychedelic colors. The only thing I can offer in my defense is to say hey, it was the 70’s. The first color I chose was a glaringly bright yellow for a bedroom and insisted on it, even when the man at the paint store tried to talk me out of it. It was a bit much, as it turned out, and when I went back for something different he said, “Stood right up and looked at you, didn’t it?!” Indeed it did. Undeterred, I.eventually painted the living room an intense lime green, wallpapered the kitchen in paisley, and did the kids’ bedroom in bright orange. “Like living inside a damn pumpkin!” a friend declared with horror when he went to tell them good night. I’m pretty sure when we moved away, the new owners wasted little time in repainting. I’m just hoping they didn’t go with gray.



Image by Giuseppe Canale from Pixabay

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