Fast Food Works

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I spent a long time running errands yesterday, didn’t remember to take a snack along with me and before I knew it, I was starving and ended up succumbing to a quick blood sugar fix at a fast food restaurant.  Even though it was past lunchtime, there was a long line of people waiting to place orders. The young guy working at the counter was conversational with everyone who passed through, for no other reason than it seems to be typical of most people where I live to be super chatty with complete strangers.  He was answering a question that the people in front of me had asked, about the amount of money he makes working there and I had a good time eavesdropping.  Fast food work has always seemed to me to be a pretty thankless job, unless the person is doing it so he or she can write an article describing exactly how thankless the work actually is.  When it came my turn to order, I asked him a little more and in the process, learned something about that industry and its wages.  He punched my order into the computer and as soon as he did, realized he had made a mistake in the charge.  He fixed the error, looked up and as he slapped his forehead, said with a big grin, “I do dumb stuff like that and I realize that’s exactly why the only job I could get is working in a place like this.”  What a great response.  Yes, thank you — I will take that sense of humor with my side of fries!

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