What’d You Say????
I’m pretty much resigned to the fact that men and women think differently — and for the most part, I believe that men tend to be more literal than women are. Though my husband will cheerfully take out the trash or mow the lawn whenever I ask, I can’t idly comment on how full the garbage can is or how long the grass has gotten and have him assume that those things should be done. There’s absolutely no reason I can’t take out the trash or mow the lawn myself — I am just struck by the basic differences in communication. I think that if we can’t cherish those differences — maybe we can learn to appreciate them a little. If not, stuff like that pretty easily leads to contention — and who wants that in a relationship? I suspect men feel the same confusion over communication. Remember Norm on the television show “Cheers?” He had an easy answer: “Women. Can’t live with ’em………Pass the beer nuts.”