Category: Uncategorized

Everybody’s Got a Story

A couple of years ago I spent a week at a writing workshop. There were twelve people in my group, and at least ten other groups just as large there. It wasn’t cheap, yet...

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I Hear Ya!

My hearing sucks. There. I’ve said it. For years I’ve been telling my husband he would benefit from hearing aids but it wasn’t until last year, when my son’s family was visiting, I discovered...

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Livin’ The Life Part Deux

A couple of years ago when I was out walking, I’d often pass a man going in the other direction. The first time I ran into him, I think I just said something generic...

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Postal Blues

The man who works at my local post office has a reputation for being a little on the surly side. I’ll admit he’s not the most outgoing man in the world, but neither does...

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To Each His Own

While we lived off the coast of North Carolina on Hatteras Island, I took long walks on the beach every day. Our dogs ran up and down, I watched the ocean constantly change, I...

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She Looks On The Bright Side

It’s a given. We have a real Christmas tree. It’s an important part of the season for us. We used to cut our own tree but the last couple of years, we’ve taken to...

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One of my sisters was exasperated when I talked with her the other day. She said she’s mad because “God hasn’t let me win the Lotto yet”. She’s been buying a ticket or two...

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Character Assessment

In deference to the truck’s owner, in case there might have been an emergency, I blurred the license plate on the vehicle — but this is an actual picture of the situation I saw...

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Let It Snow

The first snow of the season was forecast and I had mixed feelings. I love the way it looks when it’s coming down, I think it’s beautiful to see everything covered in fresh new...

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First Date

A few years ago, I went to a meeting of one of the local writing groups. The first hour and a half consisted of members reading their writings. Another hour went by while a...

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