Sometimes I feel an intense connection and find myself strongly drawn to a person for no apparent reason. There is a woman several years older than I am for whom I feel great warmth and love and I know the feeling is reciprocal — yet I only ever saw her once a year at a community function through my husband’s work. It’s hard to explain why we hugged each other like long lost friends every summer at that event. I didn’t know her last name and my husband has left that job. I thought my connection with her was lost. I felt sad about that and I’ve been thinking about her lately, remembering her with great fondness. Last night the phone rang and yep, there she was on the other end of the line. Because of my husband’s job, she knew my name and tracked me down — and we agreed to get together soon. I love the workings of the ethereal net.
yes mary..oma
i agree and i also call that grace and god or God or spirit or Spirit… we are all connected… i love your writing. blessings to you…