It’s a New Year
I’ve had a couple of people ask why my blog posts halted and I have to admit, my first reaction was delight — delight, that they noticed! Something happened with WordPress, the website that I use for and every time I tried to log in, a crazy error message popped up and I couldn’t access the site at all. In the past I relied on a WordPress specialist named Matt, who took care of this sort of thing for me but Matt is no longer in that line of work. So after tearing out a significant amount of my hair, I searched around and totally lucked out with a great WordPress techie, this one named Neil, who goes by the moniker WPDude. He has totally repaired things and if you’re someone who’s having WordPress issues of your own, I recommend him. I have a love/hate relationship with computers — love using them while disliking anything to do with the programming and coding side of things — and I am so grateful to people whose passion lies in solving the technological puzzles that make a lot of us nuts. So, thanks to Neil, I’m back on board and will be sharing thoughts and looking forward to readers’ comments soon. I hope you’ll keep reading!