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Unexpected Friends

Sometimes I meet someone that I actively solicit to be my friend — someone with whom I connect immediately and know that I want in my life.  And every now and then I end...

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Tech Trouble

I’m back in the blog business. Lightly Tethered to the Earth had a major issue with the most recent update of WordPress and for twelve days I haven’t been able to get into the...

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Someone recently apologized to me for something he had done — or actually in this case, something he hadn’t done — a few years ago.  I had thought it was in the past. I told...

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Following a Dream

Our family lived in several different places and then thirty years ago we made the ultimate change and moved to an island off the east coast. My husband left his university job, we pulled...

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There were bullies in my small town when I was growing up and what we did as kids, was to just try and stay out of their way, plain and simple. Kid bullies were...

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Dem Bones

We had a bunch of snow back around Christmastime and whenever my dog and I took our morning walk and passed a specific place where the plow had piled everything high, she would yank...

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Every Day, Something New

When I was still working full-time as a massage therapist, one of my clients was an elderly woman whom I enjoyed immensely.  Though she had some physical issues, Alice was vital and interesting and...

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Valentine’s Day

I know that Valentine’s Day is ultra commercial.  And yes, I know it’s all about marketing.  That was more than apparent as I walked in the front door of a supermarket yesterday morning and...

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Old Flames

We’ve been going through a bunch of old pictures at our house lately, having a good time reliving different parts of our lives and lots of events over many years.  This led to us...

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My husband loves radios — or maybe I should say he loves radio.  Radio as a profession, radio as a hobby, radio in general. After all these years, he still becomes animated when taking...

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